AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-05-23Describe interactive attach using choose-treeHEADmainStefan Kreutz
2022-05-23Describe usageStefan Kreutz
2022-05-20Remove dead link to planned blog postStefan Kreutz
2022-05-20Remove git tag instructionsStefan Kreutz
2022-05-18Reference nohup(1)Stefan Kreutz
2022-05-18Replace final exec shell with readStefan Kreutz
The exec shell trick to seemingly continue the exited shell may confuse the user because it doesn't preserve the environment, only the working directory. The read accomplishes the same goal, to preserve the remote command's output, without tricking the user.
2022-05-18Replace trap with sub-shellStefan Kreutz
The trap may be overwritten by the user's command. The sub-shell is safe.
2022-05-18Add initial implementationStefan Kreutz
Generated by cgit. See for my tech blog and contact information.