AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-12-21Release version 0.1.1parseq-0.1.1Stefan Kreutz
2022-12-21Update changelogStefan Kreutz
2022-12-21Rename testsStefan Kreutz
2022-12-21Test parallel map dropStefan Kreutz
2022-12-20Improve documentationStefan Kreutz
2022-12-20Rename repositoryStefan Kreutz
2022-12-20Note added must_use attributeStefan Kreutz
2022-12-19Add recursive SHA256 example applicationStefan Kreutz
2022-12-19Add must_use attribute to iterator trait and implStefan Kreutz
2022-12-18Add initial implementationparseq-0.1.0Stefan Kreutz
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