#![forbid(unsafe_code)] use std::process::exit; use clap::Parser; use wpa_psk::{bytes_to_hex, wpa_psk, wpa_psk_unchecked, Passphrase, Ssid}; /// Compute the WPA-PSK of a Wi-Fi SSID and passphrase. #[derive(Debug, Parser)] #[clap(about, version, author)] struct Args { /// An SSID consisting of 1 up to 32 arbitrary bytes. ssid: String, /// A passphrase consisting of 8 up to 63 printable ASCII characters. passphrase: String, /// Don't check the given SSID and passphrase. #[clap(short, long)] force: bool, } fn main() { exit(match run() { Ok(_) => 0, Err(err) => { eprintln!("{}", err); 1 } }) } fn run() -> Result<(), Box> { let args = Args::try_parse()?; let psk = if args.force { wpa_psk_unchecked(args.ssid.as_bytes(), args.passphrase.as_bytes()) } else { let ssid = Ssid::try_from(args.ssid.as_bytes())?; let passphrase = Passphrase::try_from(args.passphrase.as_bytes())?; wpa_psk(&ssid, &passphrase) }; println!("0x{}", bytes_to_hex(&psk)); Ok(()) } #[test] fn verify_clap_app() { use clap::CommandFactory; Args::command().debug_assert() }