# WPA-PSK This is a command-line utility and Rust library to compute the WPA pre-shared key of a Wi-Fi SSID and passphrase. ## Example I've created the tool to connect to wireless networks with *special* or technically *invalid* SSIDs and passphrases: $ wpa-psk "123abcABC.,-" "456defDEF *<:D" 0x8a366e5bc51cd5d8fbbeffacc5f1af23fac30e3ac93cdcc368fafbbf63a1085c $ wpa-psk --force "bar" "2short" 0xcb5de4e4d23b2ab0bf5b9ba0fe8132c1e2af3bb52298ec801af8ad520cea3437 ## License This work is distributed under the terms of both, the [MIT License](LICENSE-MIT) and the [Apache License, Version 2.0](LICENSE-APACHE-2.0). ## Contribution Contributions are welcome! Please contact me via email. ## See also The popular [wpa_supplicant](https://hostap.epitest.fi/wpa_supplicant/) comes with a similar tool, `wpa_passphrase(8)`.